Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler (Health and Beauty)
41 used and new from $29.82
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Vicks Personal Steam Inhaler (Health and Beauty)
F r cold ones, flu, bronchitis, Sinusitis, Laryngitis and allergy-suffering repairs this personliche Dampfinhalator gen gende humidity to the lungs and to the breath ways lp. The patented plastic hood outlined, in order the face comfortably to swings and refers warm damp air right into the nose and in the throat, nasales, curve and accumulation of box vor bergehend to relieve.
Water enters into unitA the s simple to f llt lower surface, in which a patented heating cooks it easily. The adjustable control leave you the quantity of the steam elections, which rises above into the hood. Short 5 – to minuzioser treatment 15 everything, that is requested, in order nasale and Kehlezu forms for passage, cleaner to believe.
This small Inhalator is compact, thus simple storage or clearance or auswarts works and has double tension f r use ¼ berall in the world. F r erhohte discharge of the cold/flu symptoms, is compatible this Inhalator with Kaz aromatic Inhalant editions, which release reassuring menthol and Eukalyptusdampfe. This Dampfinhalator taken off by a einjahrige warranty e.
–Cristina see Vaamonde patented self adjustment heating with reassuring steam-reached through to the nasalem, circling and throat passage A to AºA all 147 customer reports. 2.0 lasted 2 weeks used it 3mal one day f r 3 minutes of everyone on a low steam attitude.
guaranteed that there was gen gend water in it, before I used it. normally 1 F lle f r the day. by Future Tuner 4,0 double tension! When I this ordered, I wasn’ t even concentrated on the fact, which it on river 110V and 220V run let. It was a nice Uberraschung to find out to that I could use it without a transformer auswarts.
by AmericanAbroad 1,0 bad and burning steam gives it to bad burning steam. Steam is not very free. It is all burning steam. Did not become recommed this product by light massing fog Ken5.0. My husband waived this f r me after a long week fight with accumulation pf, which straight do not hren r .
by LOVE Jazmineluz 5,0 I THIS INDIVIDUAL PART! I use this individual part in connection with my Sinupulse and the combination am faultless! I use this in the morning and my sinupulse in .
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